What is a Camera Obscura?

These Latin words mean "dark room" and refer to a simple technique that provides the possibility to photograph a light-drawn image as seen on the inner walls of a closed room. With the discovery of the photographic process, the Camera Obscura became a pinhole camera.


Since 1981 Ilan Wolff has specialised in creating photographs using the Camera Obscura technique with cameras made from old boxes or cans. Nowadays he mainly uses his van and ordinary room interiors to create large images. Since 1993 Ilan Wolff has been giving regular workshops in Pin Hole photography with the Camera Obscura and using photographic emulsion to create images on different surfaces.

Over those pages ILAN WOLFF present original photographs created with the Camera Obscura (“pinhole” cameras) and Photogram technique.
The images were all developed in the traditional way, with chemicals in the darkroom.
Each image has a photo paper negative which can be printed a maximum of 13 times. There is no digital process involved in my works—only light, chemicals, and photo paper. Because they are developed by hand each image is unique.
Photos are signed, dated, and numbered. Prices depend on several variables—colour or black & white print, Bayrte or plastic paper, size, and print quality.





Since 1993 Ilan Wolff has been giving regular workshops in the technique of photography with the Camera Obscura and using photographic emulsion to create images on different surfaces. These are held in schools,universities, museums, art centres.

The workshop concept was developed with the help of Ms Aline Rutily an artistic adviser at the Ministry of Education in France and also author of several educational books.

Ilan Wolff also undertakes photographic projects for artistic and commercial purposes.